Rural pubs urged: make grant bids

Rural pubs in Greater Manchester are being encouraged to apply for a new grant of up to £60,000 to fund any new refurbishments and developments....

Rural pubs in Greater Manchester are being encouraged to apply for a new grant of up to £60,000 to fund any new refurbishments and developments.

The grant, available through an initiative called Rural Northwest Tourism Connect, is aimed at small businesses making improvements to the premises. This could be anything from renovating bar areas or extensions to the building.

Co-ordinated by Visit Manchester, the grant will be awarded for 40% of the total cost of the project and the work must be completed before March 2013.

Developments, which must include upgrading bedrooms, should raise the quality of the premises, create at least one full-time job, improve environmental performance and increase the turnover.

So far, Visit Manchester has helped fund two projects and has about six other applications to review but is yet to hear from a pub.

Project manager Sarah Howsen said: "The reason why we are calling for more pubs to apply for these special grants is because so many are closing down, and they can bring great benefits to the community, acting as a hub. So we want to help them improve, and even get them to diversify, so that they have more of a sustainable future."

Licensees will need to submit an application form and a business plan. This will then be assessed by a panel to decide which businesses will receive the funding.

The scheme is also running in Lancashire, Cumbria and Cheshire, where licensees should contact the relevant tourism board to find out if they are eligible. The grant size and terms and conditions may also vary.

Tourism Connect is funded through the Rural Development Programme for England, administered by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. It is also part-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Contact Visit Manchester on 0161 238 4531 or