Justice for Licensees to conduct pubco survey

Campaign group Justice for Licensees (JFL) is to survey present and former tenants about their views on pubcos and the tie.

Campaign group Justice for Licensees (JFL) is to survey present and former tenants about their views on pubcos and the tie.

The findings are expected to be submitted to the Business, Innovation & Skills Committee (BISC) as part of its investigation into progress made by the industry since the damning report from 2009.

It follows news that Enterprise Inns is also carrying out a survey of its tenants and lessees to gauge their views of the company and the tie.

The JFL survey asks current tenants to identify their pubco and includes the following questions:

• Do you believe that your rent is fair, maintainable and sustainable?

• What percentage of your turnover is paid in rent?

• What personal income do you draw from the business?

• Have your pubco helped or hindered your business?

• Do you believe that the tie had led to your business being unable to effectively compete in your market place?

• Do you believe that the BII will be able to effectively police the industry?

• Do you believe that your code of practice will help your business?

• If you had the option of a rental evaluation to an open market rent by a totally independent body would you opt to go Free of Tie?

• Do you believe that there should be a full and complete investigation of every aspect of the pubco model by a totally independent body?

The survey of ex-tenants will ask similar questions relating to their past experiences. It's also expected to ask when they lost their pub, whether they were made bankrupt and are they now reliant on benefits.

JFL founder Inez Ward said the surveys will be sent to 420,000 people via email. Not all are licensees, but it's hoped that non-licensee members will pass them onto tenants.

Ward said "We believe that it is imperative that there is a new dawn in this trade and that new dawn must begin with honesty and transparency. A house built on sand will not survive.

"It is so sad to see the decline and destruction of the Great British Pub, parts of our history, heritage and culture being lost forever, communities losing their assets and families losing their homes and businesses."

• Details of the survey can be found here.