The integrity of Pubwatch schemes could be called into question if staff from the emergency services have too much influence over groups, according to the body's national chairman.
Steve Baker said the issue had emerged after members of ambulance service teams tried to join groups and recommend people to be banned from pubs, after staff had been attacked at venues.
"There are some people who see this as a way of solving a problem in their own area and do not think of the consequences for the people they are using to address the problem," said Baker.
He added that while the groups sympathised with ambulance service staff, allowing them too much say could potentially lead to pubwatch groups facing a legal challenge.
"They (paramedics) provide a vital support to people working in the pub and hospitaility sector and if someone assaults them or interferes with their work then the offender should face the consequences of a pubwatch ban," said Baker.
"However, we think that it is important that in your enthusiasm to help ambulance staff that you do not put the pubwatch scheme at risk of legal challenge.
"Ambulance and NHS Trusts are public bodies and as such should not be a member of a pubwatch scheme or involved in their organisational processes. In this respect they are no different from the police who for many years have only attended pubwatch meetings in a liaison capacity."
He went on to cite a court case last year where a judge ruled that pubs have an "unrestricted right" to ban anyone from their premises and pool information - but warned these decisions could be subject to judicial review if local authorities wielded too much influence within the groups.
Baker added: "This highlights how vulnerable local voluntary schemes can be to legal challenge. As such you need to guard your independence jealously and membership and banning decisions should be handled exclusively by the licensee members of the pubwatch."