Robinson signs contract for multi-million investment

Stockport-based brewer Frederic Robinson has signed a multi-million pound order to upgrade the brewhouse at its Unicorn Brewery in Stockport.

Stockport-based brewer Frederic Robinson has signed a multi-million pound order to upgrade the brewhouse at its Unicorn Brewery in the centre of Stockport.

The development for Robinson's is a significant investment which will no doubt be a landmark for the family run company.

This is also a demonstration of the long-term commitment to brewing in Stockport for generations to come. Work on the installation will commence in September 2010.

The order has been placed with Krones AG and is the largest ever single UK order for their Bavarian manufactured Steinecker range of brewing equipment.

The new brewing plant, is sized for a 200 hectolitre brew length, and capable of producing up to eight brews per day.

The plant will provide Robinson's with improved flexibility and greater automation, while an energy recovery system will significantly enhance efficiency.

Much of their old brewing plant will be retained in position as a museum piece alongside the new equipment.

This will form part of the brewery tour when work is completed on the new visitor centre.

A planning application has been submitted to the council for the installation of new external hot and cold water tanks which if approved, will be part of phase one.

When complete the project will include a wet mill, mash conversion vessel, lauter tun, wort kettle, whirlpool and liquor treatment.

Director David Robinson said: "The placing of this order follows months of planning by our brewhouse project team.

"Since December last year when Krones were appointed as our preferred supplier there have been almost continuous detailed discussions and the original proposals have been considerably refined.

"This is a very exciting time for us and a development that once again shows how our company is evolving during tough trading conditions and in an extremely competitive market.

"Our finished brewhouse will provide us with a significant advantage for the production of our own beers and as a contract brewer."