Pivovar has launched a second site, following the success of York's Pivo cafe-bar. Launched last December by business partners Jamie Hawksworth and Jon Holdsworth, the Sheffield Tap, on Sheffield railway station's platform one, already has doorstaff at weekends to ensure it doesn't exceed its limit of 140.
Some 30 years after the Edwardian refreshment rooms at Sheffield station were left derelict, the duo have spent £180,000 on restoration, including an ornate plaster ceiling and tiled walls.
Hawksworth said: "The Sheffield Tap is a world beer freehouse, offering 20 draught and 200 bottled beers.
"We're selling more than 6,000 pints of draught beer weekly, including eight cask ales from Derbyshire's Thornbridge brewery.
"We also sell four from the Czech Bernard Brewery, for which we are the UK partner. Unpasteurised, unfiltered artisan lagers such as these are rare in the UK."
Accessible from station and street, the Sheffield Tap sells paninis and sandwiches and a £3.50 coffee & locally home-made cake deal.
Plans for a second site, possibly in Kettering, are in the pipeline.