Charles Wells' tenant scheme recognised by BIIAB

Charles Wells Pub Company's induction programme for new tenants has been recognised by the BII awarding body (BIIAB).

Charles Wells Pub Company's induction programme for new tenants has been recognised by the BII awarding body (BIIAB).

All new licensees undergo Charles Wells Retail Induction Support Programme (CRISP), which has now been awarded Good Practice Recognition Scheme (GPRS) status by the BIIAB.

The programme gives training to help newcomers become successful tenants.

It is reviewed and developed through feedback from delegates and monitoring of the industry.

"We work hard to deliver the support that helps our licensees build profitable and sustainable businesses and CRISP has been an important part of getting this off to the best possible start," said sales and marketing director Peter Wells.

"To achieve BIIAB GPRS accreditation shows that our induction programme is one of the best in the industry and that we're preparing our licensees as effectively as we can to deliver a great pub experience for the consumer.

CRISP also won BII NITA awards in 2004 and 2007 and reached the final stages in 2008.