Union slates undercover cops in pubs

Licensees Unite's concerns follows reports that police in some areas are to station themselves in bars over the festive period.

The union Licensees Unite has condemned use of undercover police in pubs.

It follows reports that police in some areas are to station themselves in bars over the festive period to catch staff who serve people who appear drunk.

A statement from the union, which is part of Unite, said this "goes against the spirit of healthy partnerships that have been forged between the police and licensees across the UK."

Dave Daly, Licensees Unite National Committee member, said: "We believe the use of undercover police in pubs is an affront both to licensees and the public who should surely be able to socialise without looking over their shoulder, particularly when there is no clear definition as what may be defined as 'drunk'.

"We are not prepared for our members' licenses to be compromised by moves like this and although Licensees Unite will provide full support and legal guidance to any licensee who has difficulty as a result, we urge the police to rethink this policy."

Jennie Formby, Unite National Officer said: "Licensees Unite has worked hard to engage positively with the police through our involvement with pubwatch and we believe police resources would be far better engaged by providing support for licensees and pub workers who are the victims of violent attacks.

"It is really not acceptable for our members to be policed by fear in their own workplace."

- Are undercover police operating in pubs in your areas? Email john.harrington@william-reed.co.uk or call 01293 610481.