Beers without the booze

Recently on I was lucky enough to become the 2,000th follower The Publican's Twitter account, @ukpubs - and I won a T-shirt. The shirt...

Recently on I was lucky enough to become the 2,000th follower The Publican's Twitter account, @ukpubs - and I won a T-shirt. The shirt arrived emblazoned with the statement "Proud of Pubs". Rather ironic you might say, but the fact is I am Proud of Pubs - or, to be specific, I'm proud of pubs that provide a wide-range of alcohol-free drinks. Sadly that isn't enough of them.

Too often we hear tales from customers of their struggle to find a decent alcohol-free beer in a pub. Kaliber is still the staple in many pubs. If you're lucky you might find one other beer in some pubs, which tends to be a brand dictated by whoever the pub is tied to. You'll find Becks in some, Bitburger in some others, Holsten in a few. But very few pubs will actually offer customers a real choice.

Imagine if you had the choice of only one alcoholic beer in a pub - customers wouldn't put up with it. But for most of us who choose not to drink, whether permanently, or temporarily because they are driving, dieting, on medication or simply want a night out without the booze, there is often no choice.

What's the demand?

The lack of choice, combined with the frequently 'comic' replies to the question "Do you have any alcohol-free beer?", really serve to stop non-drinkers from asking. Even if you do, the licensee often says there's no demand.

Trust me, the demand is out there. We sell enough of it across the UK for home consumption to know that. And one of the most common things we get from customers is "Why can't you get pubs to carry your drinks?"

Well they can, and many do, but not enough. As well as offering pubs a wide range of beers (over 25 different alcohol-free beers - yes, there are that many and most are great), we even offer customised point of sale material including laminated alcohol-free menus for tables and bar tops.

One pub that is doing it right is the Parkside in Prestwich, Bury. Landlords John and Eileen Martin have a wide range of alcohol-free beers and wine. As well as the custom menus, they also have other material around the pub promoting the products.

The great thing about putting the menus on every table is it means customers aren't afraid to ask for it.

If you run a pub yourself then, like your competitor down the road, you're probably looking for inventive ways to increase your income to help you get through the recession. Think about how you can promote alcohol-free drinks in your pub and help generate some extra sales. Otherwise, you could be missing out on potential customers who feel let down by the lack of choice.

Contact the Alcohol-Free Shop on 0800 224 8024 - or

Alcohol-free drinks recommended by the Alcohol-Free Shop

Wines: Weinkonig Merlot, Romance en Blanc Organic, Pearl Rose Sparkling

Beer: Bavaria Non-alcoholic, Bitburger Drive, Super Bock Stout

Cider: Westons Stowford LA Cider

Cocktails: XA Rum & Diet Cola flavour, XA Bourbon & Cola flavour

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