Pub Revolution support swells

The Pub Revolution group, calling for a mass "beercott", claims it has had interest from 10% of the tenants in the country.

The Pub Revolution group, calling for a mass "beercott", claims it has had interest from 10% of tenants in the country — around 3,200.

The Pub Revolution cause currently has 1,395 registered members on Facebook and is calling for direct action against pubcos by witholding rent payments and buying beer outside of the tie in a so-called "beercott".

It has also set up a separate group for non-licensee supporters of the campaign, which has just under 50 members this morning.

It said it was now appointing regional co-ordinators and will be publishing their detaisl shortly.

The Pub Revolution movement is proud to support more individual trading tenants than any other industry group that professes to serve tenant's interests," its spokesperson said.

"The 'noisy minority' will not be ignored and are focused, willing and ready for direct action.

"The time for talking is over — the time for change is now. The Revolution is nigh, dismiss us at your peril."

Following the launch of the group, Enterprise said: "Enterprise Inns is proud to offer continued support to tenants in these difficult times.

"The vast majority of our hard-working licensees continues to trade well and will share our disappointment that a small group of anonymous individuals have once again, distracted attention from the significant efforts being made by the industry to deal with the current economic challenges, by threatening actions that may constitute a deliberate breach of contract.

"We have well established and respected procedures for engaging constructively with and helping tenants who are experiencing difficulties.

"The very many licensees who have chosen to work with us to protect and grow their trade will testify to the effectiveness of working together as a team."