Anti-pubco campaigner Inez Ward hailed a high profile summit held this week as a stepping stone to trade unity.
The founder of Justice for Licensees held the meeting for disgruntled tenants at the Gallery Nightclub in Peigton, Devon.
"The summit was very encouraging with many calls for unity. This has to happen for the sake of the trade, it is the only way forward," said Inez.
Speakers on the day included Fair Pint members David Morgan and Steve Corbett , Phil Johnson from Freedom2Choose, UKIP MEP candidate Trevor Coleman and trade veteran and Swindon UKIP Cllr Robert Feal-Martinez.
Representatives from Enterprise Inns, Greene King, Marston's, Admiral and Scottish & Newcastle Pub Enterprises declined to accept invitations to attend, Ward said.
Speaking at the summit, Inez claimed the pubco model had been an "utter and ignominious" failure.
"Whilst many have no problems with the tie per se, they do have a problem with the unfairness of the tie," she said.
"The position of the tie has been abused. The pubcos have alleged that there are benefits to the tie, with cheaper rents being one of them.
"Whilst initially this may be the case, in too many instances the exit costs both financially and emotionally are far greater."
She also hit out at the government for bombarding the industry with tax hikes and red tape, while failing to understand the "complexities of the pubco model".
"The pubcos will continue as they are until they are made to change, whilst the trade is divided the government will continue to see it as the easy target and so the merry go round continues.
"It is time to stop this merry go round once and for all for the sake of the great British pub," she added.