So a delegation of representatives from the pub sector are to meet MP's to outline what might be done to protect our industry? These people, who simply represent different aspects of our industry, will have the opportunity for the ears of those whose decisions will determine our lives and our livlihoods.
If you had that choice, what would you say?
There are three dominant issues. Dominant in the sense that by shouting loudest and most often, they might be seen as the primary factors in our industry's plight. They are:
- The smoking ban
- The tie
- The cost of beer
Sadly these are distractions and I suspect are continually fuelled by those who are not directly involved in the licensed trade. It would be a complete idiot who would argue that the change of any one of these issues would reverse the tide of fortunes.
The smoking ban is, for many licensees, old news. We didn't want it but, now we have it, we've got used to it and, frankly, wouldn't really want to go back to it.
The beer tie is irritating but does anyone really think that if a pubco cut the tie it wouldn't recover the lost money elsewhere via rents? And the cost of beer, if slashed, would simply mean we charged less for it; simply moving the goalposts a little.
If we are to increase or earnings, necessary for us to stay in business, we need to either increase our sales (hardly likely in this climate) or increase our profitability.
So how could we increase the money that is left over for us?
I'm pretty certain if licensees simply received cheaper beer they would attempt to cut the price to increase sales. That would be self-defeating. But if some of the fixed costs were cut; rent, rates, utilities, then I am certain things could be more profitable.
So where would I say if I had the ears of the politicians? What would work?
I'd argue the case that our industry provides something others don't. The cohesion of the societies the politicians govern.
If the car companies fail will there be no cars?
If the banks fail, will there be no banks?
If the housing market fails will there be no houses?
No. Resoundingly, No.
But if the pubs fail we loose something far more important. The hearts of our communities. The pub is that heart. It is the glue that binds many different individuals into the villages, towns, districts and cities we know. Nowhere else does it better.
But when a pub fails and dies it can never be replaced.
In a Brussels shop I saw a t-shirt that said "everytime you masturbate God kills a kitten". Harsh, I thought.
But maybe, along those lines, we could make a t-shirt that says;
"Everytime a politician thinks about pubs another community has it's heart ripped out. "
Maybe those chosen to meet the MPs should wear one.