With six weeks to go, over 4,000 pubs have enrolled for Cask Ale Week, to be held between 6-13 April.
The target of 5,000 pubs should be achieved when a number of very interested managed house groups commit.
In other activity,CAMRA is still targeting its Good Beer Guide entrants, Cask Marque its accredited pubs, and details are being included in the promotional leaflets of Tapster's Choice (Carlsberg) and Total Cask (WaverleyTBS).
Mitchells & Butlers (M&B) has committed 185 Ember Inns and 69 Nicholsons pubs, Adnams is to brew its Champion Beer of Britain, Adnams Extra for the first time in ten years to commemorate the week, Greene King is producing 500 POS kits to support its beers linked to Cask Ale Week, and Punch has ordered 1,110 kits to support its licensees.
At a meeting last week the Daily Telegraph confirmed its commitment to Cask Ale Week and plans to feature Cask Ale more prominently in editorial coverage as well as producing a supplement the weekend prior to Cask Ale Week.
Each day during Cask Ale Week the paper will be promoting a free prize draw competition which will help create awareness of the event and encourage their readers to visit their local cask ale pub.
Paul Nunny from Cask Marque was encouraged by the uptake from pubs and said: "The support of the Daily Telegraph as a national media partner together with our own PR programme will generate significant footfall in our pubs and a greater awareness of the one product that is unique to the British Pub and rightfully deserves the title of Britain's National Drink."
• For more information on getting involved visit www.caskaleweek.co.uk.