Cask is on the rise, so let's tell the world

By Stephen Crawley

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Crawley: cask is a reason to cheer
Crawley: cask is a reason to cheer
Cask ale can give pubs a reason to cheer in torrid economic times, says Stephen Crawley.

There are lots of comparisons being made between the 1929 crash and the current crisis. Gloom and doom, recession, the credit crunch and runs on banks — it's something we are all aware of and, possibly, bored with.

However, I'm sure we are all privately wondering what it means and how it might affect us, our business and, yes, our pubs.

Well, what a breath of fresh air it was to attend the launch of The Intelligent Choice report, the second report on cask ale, written by Pete Brown. Appropriately, not far from the centre of the current economic crisis, it took place at the Counting House in the City, a Fuller's pub.

The mood of optimism in the room was contagious. Pete Brown delivered a factual, yet entertaining summary of the report and presented a website highlighting the cask category.

The organisations involved in the British beer category — Why Handpull?, Society of Independent Brewers, Independent Family Brewers of Britain, Campaign for Real Ale, and Cask Marque — were united behind Pete's report as he presented a strong case to support real British beer.

Real diversity, real choice, real brands and real reasons to visit the pub; the report details evidence to show that of those ABC1 25 to 45-year-olds who've tried real ale, more than 40% loved it!

It also goes on to say that the category is seeing real progress on the correct serving temperature and the quality of dispense of real ale, and there is real passion among suppliers and brewers. This is great news for the category.

Now, we all know there are tough times ahead, but how about we British show the world that real British beer is a fantastic way to relax. Come to Britain and enjoy it — a couple of pints, halves or a taster in thirds in a great British pub.

If the French can do it with wine, we can do it with beer.

Cheers — I'm off for a pint!

Stephen Crawley is managing director of the Caledonian Brewery.

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