'Darling, you are killing pubs'

The Chancellor will go down in history as the man who launched the £5 pint for the London Olympics and closed thousands of community pubs. That is...

The Chancellor will go down in history as the man who launched the £5 pint for the London Olympics and closed thousands of community pubs.

That is the stark warning from the Campaign For Real Ale (Camra) as it launched its own protest against Alistair Darling's anti-pub budget.

The price of a pint of real ale has already risen 12p and a pint of lager 14p in just four months, according to new research by Camra.

And the survey, released on the first day of the Great British Beer Festival, reveals that 62% of pub goers blame the Government for sky-high beer prices.

Darling ignored trade warnings and slapped 4p on a pint and promised further 2% rises above inflation for the next four years but the trade has vowed to fight back.


Camra will stage a protest against high beer tax at 11am with protesters wearing Alistair Darling face-masks and T-shirts calling for a "fair deal on beer tax".

The 65,000 expected visitors will also be asked to send their MP a postcard protesting at the duty hikes.

"This year's devastating increase in beer tax has forced publicans to increase prices and pub-goers are right to lay the blame at the door of the Government," said Camra chief executive Mike Benner.

"High beer taxes threaten to prevent many low and moderate earners enjoying a regular pint at their local pub.

"We desperately urge the Chancellor to think again before he goes down in history as the Chancellor who closed thousands of community pubs, damaged community life and prevented many millions of pub-goers from enjoying a regular trip to the pub."

Click here to join the campaign to Fight the Hikes.