Punch bans Chancellor from 8,449 pubs

Britain's largest pub company moves to ban Alistair Darling from all of its 8,449 pubs following his devastating budget

Britain's largest pub company has moved to ban Chancellor Alistair Darling from all of its 8,449 pubs following his devastating anti-pub budget.

 Punch said it was "extremely disappointed" with Darling's decision to not only raise duty 4p a pint this year but also his promise of a 2% above inflation increase for the next four years.

 Punch has given its tacit support for every pub in its leased and tenanted estate to ban Darling.

  We support the industry's call to ban the Chancellor of the Exchequer from every pub in the landGiles ThorleyPunch Taverns

 The MA backed campaign is direct action against the man who is now seen as "Pub Enemy No1" by the trade.

 "Despite all of the positive lobbying by the industry bodies, it was extremely disappointing to see the level of increase of alcohol duty implemented by the Exchequer," said Punch chief executive Giles Thorley.

 "We were particularly disappointed that the Government fails to recognise the important and beneficial role that the pub and traditional brewers make to the British economy and the communities that they serve.

 "We would encourage the Government to do more to safeguard the future of the local pub at the heart of our communities, rather than penalising responsible pub goers and licensees.

 "In the meantime, we support the industry's call to ban the Chancellor of the Exchequer from every pub in the land."

 The MA is calling on the industry to unite. We need the help of grass-roots licensees and their customers to Fight the Hikes.


 Get involved - follow these easy steps:

 1. Download a  Fight the Hikes Poster and put it up in your pub.

 2. Download the Fight The Hikes Petition and get your regulars to join the campaign. Consumer support is vital.

 3. Download Extra Petition Sheets.

 4. Download the Fight the Hikes Letter and send it to your MP. It asks them to sign an EDM condemning the duty hikes, tells them about the campaign and invites them to the pub to discuss the issues first hand.

 5. Find your MP's contact details here. Post or email him the letter.

 6. Send your completed petitions to Fight the Hikes, Morning Advertiser, William Reed Business Media, Broadfield Park, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 9RT.

 7. Join the  Fight the Hikes Facebook group.

 8. Take a picture of you, staff and customers with the poster and petition and email it to  Ewan.Turney@william-reed.co.uk.

 • Remember you can also  Ban the Chancellor from your pub by clicking here.