With St George's Day falling on a Wednesday this year, many pubs are choosing to base a full week of activity around the event, or relocate the main celebrations to a busier night. Promoting the occasion and holding special events can really get the tills ringing. Could any of the following proud English publicans provide inspiration for your pub?
The Head of Steam in Liverpool city centre has developed a reputation as a St George's Day pub - to the extent that it has recently added a permanent painting of the English saint slaying the dragon to its walls. Licensee Rob McNeill is holding events on April 23 and 26, the Saturday. There will be a 24-hour bar, and Rob is inviting members of the armed forces to attend. They will be entertained by a bugler, a flag unveiling and more.
The White Horse, in Southsea, Hampshire, is planning a 'week of Britishness' around the main day. The Fuller's-managed site will be running a promotion on London Pride, a brand which is increasingly forging associations with St George's Day. It will also be offering afternoon cream teas and cooked English breakfasts all day.
Manager Elizabeth Drudge is expecting trade to increase across the week, and is crossing her fingers for fine weather - the White Horse has a large outside area and will be hosting activities for children. A St George's Day birthday cake will be made to celebrate April 23 itself.
"Awareness seems to be much higher for St Patrick's Day because Guinness has marketed it very well," Elizabeth says. "But it's a great idea for Fuller's to take hold of St George's Day. It's something we should be proud of."
At Dirty Dicks in Bishopsgate, London, customers will be able to get pints of Wells & Young's Bombardier ale for the bargain basement rate of £2 all day, or choose from a selection of pie-and-pint deals.
The Young's pub will be decorated in English flags and memorabilia by manager Ian Martin, who is encouraging customers to book for dinner on April 23. "It tends to be the regulars coming in on St George's Day," he says. "It's a time for giving something back to the customers."
At the Albion in Chester, Morris dancers will perform, host a sing-song and make a toast to St George on the Wednesday.
On the Sunday, there will be a formal black-tie dinner in honour of St George, with guests being entertained by a soprano.
The Albion's licensee, Mike Mercer, sums up the momentum currently behind St George's Day in pubs when he says: "It's one of those events that is going from strength to strength.
"People are becoming a bit miffed that St Patrick's Day is so big when St George is overlooked. That situation is changing."