Ask An Expert: Leaders and managers

I've heard a lot of talk about 'management' and 'leadership'. What's the difference?A common definition is that managers tend to lead by systems and...

I've heard a lot of talk about 'management' and 'leadership'. What's the difference?

A common definition is that managers tend to lead by systems and controls while leadership is done by inspiration and charisma. In most situations you need a mixture of both - and therein lies the skill. Have a look at this list: people. Leaders... coach people

Managers... depend on their 'authority'. Leaders... depend on goodwill

Managers... inspire fear. Leaders... inspire enthusiasm

Managers... say 'I'. Leaders say 'we'

Managers... know how it's done. Leaders... show how it's done

Managers... find reasons for the problem. Leaders... fix the problem

Managers... say 'Go!'. Leaders... say 'Let's go!'

Are you meeting the needs of your pub in all these areas?

It might be that other people within your team take on managerial or leadership roles, or if you're really clever you can juggle both successfully. Whatever your chosen style, it's important that you're consistent so people know what to expect and what you expect of them. Consider these three principles of success and how you can apply them:

• Focus - set goals and review progress frequently. Keep the endgame in sight.

• Language - do you talk things up or down? Is your glass half-full or half-empty? Make sure your language inspires your people and tells it the way it is - people respect honesty and straightforwardness.

• State - Keep in a strong, confident state. Step back from crises and heated situations so you can deal with them calmly and rationally.

Remember, your people will take their lead from you.

Jane Sunley is managing director of Learn Purple, which advises hospitality businesses on retaining and motivating their staff -

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