WASTE COOKING oil is being used to go green in a new initiative from Marston's Pub Company.
Marston's has teamed up with Prosper De Mulder Limited to supply pubs with two free containers so they can pour away their used oil. When the first one is full they simply call PDM who will pick up the oil and drop off another clean container.
The old oil is then used for the production of renewable bio-fuels.
Karl Czinege, commercial manager at Marston's, said: "We decided to team up with PDM to give our retailers the opportunity to recycle their waste oil - helping our pub's to take responsible action to the ever increasing focus on environmental controls, carbon footprints and Health & Safety in the workplace.
"The days of being able to hand used oil from out the back of a restaurant to a 'man in a white van' are now a thing of the past. Marston's and our retailers are showing the way forward on growing sales by aligning our operating policies with what both our consumers and the environment demand."
Licensee Richard Lloyd from the Rose Cottage in Newark has recently signed up to the scheme.
He said: "We originally signed up because we wanted to do our bit for the environment - we never really expected to save the pub money as well.
"It's a great scheme - it's good for the planet, it's saved us money on our cooking oil and has got rid of the empty cartons which used to get piled up outside."