How was trade in 2007?
Jessica Luke
Brewery Tap
Trade pretty much matched 2006 so it hasn't been too bad - I think we got off quite lightly, all things considered. The bad weather had a big effect on our business because we're just outside of the town and people often don't make the effort if it's wet. Sport this year has been good - the rugby especially because we've got the biggest screen in Peterborough. That was a big draw for people.
John Ellis
Crown Inn
I think because we prepared for the smoking ban and because we offer something a bit different our trade has been strong. It has certainly been increasing year on year for a long time. My feeling is that unless you have a different offer to everyone else you will struggle. Bureaucracy has been a thorn in my side taking up time and wasting money - that looks set to continue into 2008.
Steve Haslam
Cutter Inn
We've had a fantastic year -
I can't complain in the slightest. We saw no adverse effects from the smoking ban and food sales have been phenomenal. I put our success down to quality.
I think a major, overriding factor in what is a very difficult market is quality - it needs to be at the centre of everything. We offer quality, value for money and good service, and I think people are still willing to pay for that.
Suzie Dreja
Royal Oak
It started off well, but the smoking ban has badly affected us over the latter part of the year. We are down on last year in terms of like-for-like sales. It is a struggle, especially against the supermarkets selling alcohol so cheaply. We don't do well traditionally over Christmas, being a student pub, but sales are still well down on last year. I don't know what more we can do to get people through the doors.