A new guide has been launched to help licensees assess the risk of violence in their pub.
The six-page Managing Safety in Bars, Pubs and Clubs, launched by the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) in conjunction with the Bar Entertainment and Dance Association (BEDA), pulls together industry good practice and sets out a standard approach to identifying factors that might cause problems.
It aims to recognise the diversity of the trade and the range of hospitality offered by premises. It also highlights the wide range of actions that can be taken to minimise the risk of violence to staff and customers.
BBPA director of communications, Mark Hastings, said: "There is no doubt that effective solutions to the problems of safety and risk lie in good management in pubs and clubs.
"As far as glassware is concerned, in its alcohol strategy, the government has clearly stated its own preference for a targeted approach.
"This we strongly support, and our risk assessment reflects this. It should be a valuable tool for licensees."
Paul Smith, executive director of BEDA, adds: "We feel at BEDA that it is vital to have an easy to use guide to be able risk assess a premises. This document aims to do just that. In addition, at a time when further evidence that clubs, bars and pubs are behaving corporately socially responsibly is needed, then this resource will hopefully prove invaluable to licensees."
The guide also contains a check list that sets out the preventative measures that can be taken to minimise risk and helps licensees to identify where other measures might contribute further to a safer environment.
The guide can be downloaded from the BBPA's website at www.beerandpub.com or copies can be ordered by calling Pamela Bates on 020 7627 9143, or emailing pbates@beerandpub.com