Smoking out what's going on, by Andrew Pring

So how's it been for you since The Ban? Up? Down? Or simply, What's the Big Deal?

So how's it been for you since The Ban? Up? Down? Or simply, What's the Big Deal?

Early days, of course, and every pub is unique. But here are some observations that may match your experience. The good first, the not so good afterwards.

1) Everyone's talking about it, in pub or out. Not since the death of Di have so many strangers talked to each other about something. Even regular customers who'd never talked before are becoming chatting chums. Which makes pubs friendlier places.

2) And yes, that does mean lots of "smirting" going on. Which makes pubs even friendlier places.

3) Food's up, particularly as a new lunchtime crowd gives their local a try. With all the competition, restaurants are getting twitchy.

4) Outside areas, if they've been refurbed, are looking good. In fact, better than ever before. Pubs that prepared for 1 July have real curb-appeal. It's a massive boost for the trade generally.

5) Grumpy stay-aways don't stay away for long. However much they hate not smoking in their pub, they still like their pub.

6) Cleaner, fresher atmosphere - as long as you've steam-cleaned your carpets, curtains, seats etc, and customers exercise bodily control (see 3 below).

7) Overall, trade's basically holding up, even if beer sales are down. Just as everyone predicted.

Now, the not so good:

1) The smoking circuit means some customers are drinking less at their regular and having their puffs as they move on elsewhere.

2) On the circuit again, outside smokers can get lippy at other smokers across the street. Ructions are occasionally breaking out.

3) Oops, he's done it again. Passing wind, at either end, is all too apparent these days. Shame.

4) Fingernails on the table, chewing gum on the carpet, picked-at beermats everywhere. Handy old things ashtrays, weren't they?

5) Drinking dens just aren't the same anymore. If that's your pub, good luck. You'll need it.

6) Gardens are getting noisier at night - chatty lot smokers. All that smirting. Neighbours may not be quite so keen on so much social intercourse.

7) Inside fugs are now outdoor fugs, particularly near the doors. EHOs are taking note.

Early days, as noted above. But so far, disaster merchants are having to bite their tongues. Fingers crossed for a very late, and mild winter.