We have been here ten months. Time for an appraisal.
I took the girls and the memsahib to the local curry house for dinner and a discussion.
What are the pros and cons of the move I asked?
I was surprised.
Universally the girls said that we had made the right choice. They were pleased with the move and loved the community in which we live.
We have left behind many friends and moved to an entirely different style of neighbourhood. Before, in the last pub, I knew 95 per cent of the people walking through the door and very few were a problem. Now I must be more vigilant. I know perhaps 50 per cent but there is always the risk of someone coming in who might prove a problem.
I am more conscious of security issues. I find myself in a constant state of wariness. It is odd.
But the description of our old village life my daughter gave shocked me. She described it as "a picture-perfect straight-jacket". I guess I have always liked living within such a close community but, I guess, my daughters felt it was intrusive and restrictive.
The downside of our move is the pretty grim private accommodation we inherited. We've done little to improve it but the kitchen and bathroom are dire. None of us like using them. Hence we eat out so often.
The growing realisation is that if we are to continue this business in the direction we are going we need to make some major changes. Moving into a separate house is our goal and a recent discussion with a building society manager confirms it is a possibility.
No tenant wants to invest money in the private accommodation. There is very little clear return on your investment. In my case I'll freely admit that the attraction of the potential of the Railway Hotel completely blinded me to the private accommodation aspect. Maybe, with hindsight, I'd think differently.
But my family have voted it a good move. Their opinion means a lot to me. We will overcome any shortfalls and I cannot see us moving for many years to come.
But I keep looking at the brewery website viewing other pubs for rent and wondering what the accommodation is like.