Focus Midlands: view from the top

When considering the Midlands some of the finest names in British brewing spring to mind - old and established companies that are undoubtedly held...

When considering the Midlands some of the finest names in British brewing spring to mind - old and established companies that are undoubtedly held with great affection among the people who frequent the region's pubs and like to drink locally brewed beer.

Indeed, these companies are truly at the heart of the UK brewing industry, both in terms of geography and for their traditional methods.

Today Midlands brewers and pub companies are endeavouring to build upon this strong history and tradition. Realising it is essential not to look at the past or stand still, they have worked hard to be innovative in their approach to pubs and beer and take the industry forward.

Midlands consumers have always had a desire for all things local. By aligning marketing and service to this theme success has been, and will continue to be, achieved.

And it's not just the larger, more established companies. Increasingly the region's microbrewers are making a significant contribution to the promotion of cask ale.

One is the Brunswick in Derby, a brewpub owned by Everards which offers a minimum of 16 ales on the bar and organises regular festivals. Cask ale is a definite point of difference in a pub and licensee Graham Yates uses this major selling point to maximum advantage.

This trend for strong real ale pubs to brew their own beers is becoming more common in the Midlands and can only benefit the overall cask cause.

From the food perspective, Midlands pubs probably trail behind London and the South East, but this provides a massive opportunity to improve and extend menus. By learning from the 'southern model' it is possible to see what can be achieved and by applying the same principles the Midlands can surely enjoy the same success.

Additionally, expanding the wine offer and providing quality coffee and tea will give the customer wider choice, a better experience and ensure they will come back again.

As in other regions of the UK, the acquisition and refurbishment of pubs has been pivotal to ensuring the future. Undoubtedly the forthcoming smoking ban is providing an opportunity for Midlands pubs to really look at what is on offer and we're witnessing a widespread regeneration of pubs right across the region.

Brewers, pubs and licensees are working together to face the current challenges by seizing the opportunities presented for the good of cask ale, pubs and the licensed trade as a whole.

David Bremner is operations director, commercial, for Everards Brewery.

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