I was reminded recently of one of the most effective marketing tools at our disposal.
The writer suggested it was a calendar that allowed wonderful opportunities to build business.
I would suggest better than that is the humble diary.
Years ago I was introduced to the diary as a business tool and I have kept one ever since.
Understand this isn't a record of my memoirs but a simple device to record dates; notably birthdays, anniversaries and events. I was told there were three distinct consequences of this.
Firstly, everyone remembers their own birthday but, particularly among older folk, these events become less significant. Still it is with a sense of pride that, on the same day every year, I greet people with a simple "Many happy returns of the day". I usually even add a free pint. The response is always positive. People are touched that there is someone, somewhere, who cares about them. You may be the only one who remembers.
The second reason is to save lives. Many a time I have discreetly reminded someone of a looming anniversary or birthday. Sometimes even on the same day. It wouldn't be the first time the pub flowers have been re-wrapped. We keep a supply of nice blank greetings cards. We can usually lend people a bottle of champagne. It all helps to keep things calm in their homes.
The third, and most obvious, business builder is that you can plan events from this. For weeks beforehand you can gently remind people it is Bert's birthday shortly and, on the night, create the circumstances for a great evening. Bert doesn't have to be popular, it simply gives the excuse for a gathering in the pub. And such gatherings can be very lucrative. Sometimes even better if Bert isn't around!