Manchester A&E staff to quiz drunks

Doctors and nurses in Manchester are to ask drunken patients where they had their last drink so that police can locate irresponsible pubs and clubs....

Doctors and nurses in Manchester are to ask drunken patients where they had their last drink so that police can locate irresponsible pubs and clubs.

Staff at Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI) will ask the question, then pass on any information to police.

The scheme will be piloted at the MRI because of its city-centre location, but if it proves a success it will be extended to other accident and emergency (A&E) departments.

One third of admissions to A&E departments in Manchester are said to be alcohol-related - one of the highest rates in Britain.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) central licensing officer PC Damien Malone said: "This is a fantastic initiative, and one that GMP is delighted to be part of.

"We take alcohol-related disorder and crime very seriously and any scheme that aids us in our fight against it is welcomed.

"While this project will undoubtedly bring many benefits for the NHS in helping to reduce alcohol consumption and alcohol-related injuries and problems, it will also bring many for the police.

"We will be working closely with the Alcohol Specialist Nurse and our partners to ensure that information regarding licensees, who may be acting irresponsibly or breaking the law, is passed on, so that we can take the appropriate action."

Manchester Pub and Club Network spokesman Phil Burke called the scheme "a very bad idea".

"If someone has a grievance against a premises, after being thrown out or refused service, and they come into contact with the nurse, responsible licensees could find a blemish on their record through no fault of their own.

"What you find is that a lot of people get drink from supermarkets and off-licences before they come out.

"Both should be targeted to reduce binge drinking and underage drinking."