Chris Maclean: be nice to your draymen

On Tuesday I had a a delightful time in London with my three daughters. When I returned I discovered I had experienced the worst brewery delivery in...

On Tuesday I had a a delightful time in London with my three daughters. When I returned I discovered I had experienced the worst brewery delivery in years. Nine bottles of wines and spirits had been smashed, there were no credit notes available and none of the beer had actually reached the cellar but lay neatly by the cellar drop.

Now I understand there will be some extraordinary tales of delivery disasters and, in the scheme of things mine is pretty insignificant, save to say that, if that was my worst experience in 20 years then I reckon I've got away lightly.

So this blog is perhaps more a well done and thank you to the unsung heroes in the licensed trade ~ the draymen.

That is a job I could not do.

Each dray crew is under incredible pressure to deliver very heavy loads into difficult places with awkward access. They have to do it quickly. They have to do it safely.

I would rank your relationship with the draymen as far more important than that with your BDM.

Draymen need to move fast. Anything you do to handicap that process is unforgivable. Have the kegs and casks put in one area. Have a clear place into which they can put their delivery. Put corks and shives into the empties. Offer them tea or coffee.

Draymen as allies are sound people and will help. As enemies they are brutal.

Be nice to your draymen. It's a good investment.