Blackpool council bans al fresco drink

Tony Halstead Trade groups have slammed a decision by Blackpool council to outlaw drinking on the pavement unless...

Tony Halstead

Trade groups have slammed a decision by Blackpool council to outlaw drinking on the pavement unless customers order food with their drinks.

The council has been accused of blocking licensees' attempts to create al fresco areas in time for next July's smoking ban.

John Farrell, secretary of the town's licensed victuallers' association, claimed the move held back attempts to create a tourist-friendly environment in the resort.

"This is more about up-holding the smoking ban

than clamping down on outside drinking," claimed Farrell. "We had hoped the council might have adopted a more flexible attitude."

The president of the

Blackpool-based National Association of Licensed House Managers', Dave Daly, called for the council to consult with the trade over the issue.

Daly said: "We are a holiday town and want to provide a welcoming atmosphere, but this is a retrograde step.

I suspect the police have played a big part in influencing the council, but there is no disorder issue here if outside drinking areas are supervised properly."

The council said it did not grant licences for any business that would permit drinking alcohol on public land unless the drinks were ancillary to a meal.

A council spokesman commented: "This supports the on-street drinking laws in central Blackpool, which do not allow the consumption of alcohol." 

The council added it had not seen a significant rise for street café licences in anticipation of the looming ban.