A survey by the Morning Advertiser's sister paper, the Grocer, has found supermarket beer prices are at an all-time low.
The respected trade magazine found Stella Artois on sale at Morrison's at just 11p per 100ml - or 62.48p for a pint.
The Grocer's Christmas Pricewatch survey says the price is the lowest ever for the brand.
This time last year the lowest recorded price for Stella was 13p per 100ml at Asda.
That dropped further to 12p per 100ml in the run-up to Christmas 2005.
We believe this deep discounting strays over the border into irresponsible promotional practices and would like to see supermarkets restrained by the same codes on responsible promotions as the pub tradeMark Hastings, BBPA director of communications.
Grocer news editor Richard Clarke said: "It just begs the question, given that you would expect the competition between supermarkets to get even fiercer before Christmas, just how low can prices go?"
Mark Hastings, director of communications at the British Beer and Pub Association, said: "We have consistently expressed our concern about very deep discounting of alcoholic drinks."
"We believe this deep discounting strays over the border into irresponsible promotional practices and would like to see supermarkets restrained by the same codes on responsible promotions as the pub trade."
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