The chief executive of the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers is calling on the Government to be fair with fines for smoking after the ban comes in.
Nick Bish told the ALMR Annual Conference in Bristol that the £2,500 fine for licensees was 'hugely disproportionate'.
However, Bish said he did not want to see fines for customers rise to bring about the balance.
He said: "I don't think we are in the business of getting our customers fined more for things."
Bish also said the Government should reconsider the wording of the Bill to differentiate between licensees who are unaware smoking is taking place in their pubs and those who allow it.
I don't think we are in the business of getting our customers fined more for things ALMR chief executive Nick Bish.
The ALMR will raise these points in its submission to the public consultation - which closes on Monday.
Other points he raised included the inclusion of a two-year sunset clause for signage laws - so licensees can remove no-smoking signage after the ban has become custom.
And the need for the Government to trust licensees and for local authorities not be too prescriptive when interpreting the law.
He said just because a venue had an awning - which when fully extended covered more than the legally permitted area - it should not be assumed that it would be extended that far.
Bish also had a message for licensees saying they should not attempt to find loopholes in the law - like some premises in Ireland.
And he said anyone who was still attempting to stop the ban from coming in was "in denial".
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