Licensee offers Polish translation of regulation

Most publicans will admit to occasionally struggling with the sheer weight of red tape and regulation that burdens the industry. So imagine how much...

Most publicans will admit to occasionally struggling with the sheer weight of red tape and regulation that burdens the industry. So imagine how much tougher it must be if English is not your first language.

A Staffordshire pub is offering a potential lifeline to the increasing number of pubs with Polish kitchen staff - a translation from English into Polish of the latest food safety and hygiene regulations from someone working at the sharp end.

Marcela Grochala, chef at the Oddfellows in the Boat pub in Lichfield, Staffordshire, has translated a weighty folder of advice and information on complying with new hygiene rules, which came into force at the start of the year.

Marcela's boss, licensee Ann Holden, is willing to share the fruits of Marcela's hard work with other pubs for the prices of a stamp and envelope.

Among other changes, the new regulations introduced in January increased the amount of record keeping pubs have to do to prove that food is stored at correct temperatures. With the Oddfellows in the Boat specialising in home made food using fresh ingredients, the impact on the kitchen has been considerable.

"We think the regulations are over-the-top," said Ann. "Like many other pubs, we've employed a number of staff from Poland, and it's even more difficult to explain the rules to someone whose English isn't that great."

Marcela, who has been with the pub for 18 months, took home the folder supplied by the local environmental health officer, and produced the Polish translation. "She did it all off her own bat," said Ann, "and it's been really useful. We thought that other pubs with Polish staff could also benefit."

To get a copy of the translation on disc, publicans should initially email Ann at with their contact details.