Licensee tests convictions of zero drink-drive MP

A Shropshire licensee whose local MP called for a zero drink drive limit was compelled to refuse honourable gentleman a drink in his pub - unless he...

A Shropshire licensee whose local MP called for a zero drink drive limit was compelled to refuse honourable gentleman a drink in his pub - unless he handed over his car keys.

John Ellis of the Crown in Oakengates tested the courage of David Wright's convictions after the Labour MP said one sip of alcohol is one sip too much.

Ellis had just given an interview to a local radio station saying how he felt the Government were targeting the wrong people when he returned to find the MP handing over his money for a pint.

He told "I said to him 'you can't have that! And he said 'what do you mean?"

"I told him he couldn't have the drink until he had handed over his car keys - but to be fair he said he had walked to the pub."

Ellis added: "I believe any zero limit would be targeting the wrong people. If someone has eight pints and drives they are well aware they are ignoring the current limit - if you reduce it to zero the only people you will hit are those who want a glass of wine with lunch or pop in for one on the way home. If someone has too much to drink and drives then I say do them but this idea is all about producing the right statistics for the Government."

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