Simple solution to DPS problem

Hosts and police have come up with a simple solution to the problem of bars being closed in the absence of the Designated Premises Supervisor. NEW COMMENT

Manchester Police is the latest force to close bars because the designated premises supervisor (DPS) is absent.

 But hosts and police have a solution - a document that states who is in charge of the pub while the licensee is away.

 Police recently closed four bars in the city centre - all at around 10pm - because the DPS was not on the premises, the Morning Advertiser learnt this week.

 In response, Manchester Pub and Club Network (MPCN) and the police produced the "Authorisation of Sales of Intoxicants" document, which has been sent to all Network members.

 Hosts simply fill in the name of the person in charge of the premises in the licensee's absence, along with the date and time when he is in charge.

 MPCN spokesman Phil Burke said: "The form will help licensees keep an accurate record of who is responsible for the venue while they are away from the premises.

 "We worked with the police to produce the form and it's important licensees act responsibly and fill it out when they leave the premises. They should also keep it close to hand."


 Your CommentsRobert Feal-Martinez via email 24/03/2006"The MPCN have done untold damage by agreeing to this. I have studied the Act and all the guidance, have delivered seminars and written a document which legally covers every situation involving the DPS.

 By agreeing this action with the Police the MPCN are allowing the Police to exceed their LEGAL authority. No Licensing official or police officer can close premises due to the adsence of the DPS. The Legislation and the guidance is clear. Why are the FLVA, BII (afterall the experts on these things) and other trade organisations to verbally acting this ABUSE of power. I say to my Manchester Licensee colleagues, refuse to close. Do not allow yourselves to be bullied. Let the Police take you to court. They will have to prove they have this power. It only takes one brave Licensee to stop this draconian unlawfull action. I thought Mancunians were made of sturner stuff."


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