Signatures in support of the Morning Advertiser's 'Lay off my Local' campaign are nearing the 15,000 mark.
Licensees are still gathering in large numbers of petitions three months after the pro-pubs drive was launched.
Kim Fairhurst, licensee of the Wagon in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, said: 'I'm the same as everyone else - fed up with the media slagging us off.
'If you run a responsible pub why shouldn't you have an extra hour or so of trading?'
Fairhurst argued the press focuses on a handful of problem pubs: 'We're just outside the town centre, but still on a main drinking circuit and we've never had any trouble.
'The media just focuses on a very small proportion of pubs that have problems.'
Fairhurst added the new regime hasn't increased the amount people are drinking: 'I'm sure everyone has said this - but people only have a certain amount of money.
'Trade is up because of the Christmas period, but I don't anticipate more hours will bring more money - just a more relaxed approach to drinking.'
A Greene King licensee, who asked not to be named, thinks the media and politicians should be training their fire on the off-trade instead.
He said: 'The papers and the Government have got it wrong about binge drinking. They should target supermarkets.
'I saw beer for 48p a can in my local supermarket. That is just unbelievable.'
It's not too late to join the MA's campaign.
To get involved, download a poster and petition form from the link on this page and, when you've collected enough signatures, post it to:
The Morning Advertiser
Broadfield Park
West Sussex
RH11 9RT
Remember to include your pub's name and address.