Marston's focuses on quality with latest £2m ad campaign

Marston's brewery has announced a £2m investment in its "Don't Compromise" campaign.The marketing push centres around Marston's commitment to high...

Marston's brewery has announced a £2m investment in its "Don't Compromise" campaign.

The marketing push centres around Marston's commitment to high standards, and attempts to drive home the message that Marston's "Doesn't compromise on quality".

Most of the activity will be driven by flagship brand Pedigree, but the brewer, which is owned by Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries (W&DB), hopes to reflect this publicity on Marston's other brands, such as Old Empire and Resolution.

Advertising will be seen on outdoor posters and in the national press as well as on TV. There will be a sporting theme to much of the activity with adverts appearing on the front pages of sports sections of newspapers such as The Daily Telegraph and The Observer, and Marston's ads will "top and tail" ad breaks during Champions League matches on both ITV and Sky.

The series of adverts is quite different to a number of Marston's rivals in the marketplace, with the focus much more on product quality and its position in the outlet as opposed to its provenance. All advertising and marketing materials as well as all packaging will bear a special "Marston's, Don't Compromise" stamp.

Tina Martin, brands marketing controller at W&DB Brands, said: "The adverts are very outlet and occasion led - it's all about the occasion. We are trying to drive more emotion into how people feel about our brands."

Provenance will not be completely overlooked, however, with some of the creatives focusing on spreading the secrets of Marston's beers to a nationwide audience, such as the importance of Burton water in the brewing process.