Trengilly Wartha Inn facts 'n' stats
Covers per week: 500 to 700 during the summer, less in the winter
Turnover: £700,000
GP: 58%
Average food spend per head: Depending on whether people eat in the bar or restaurant, between £15 and £25.
Wet:dry:accommodation split: 50:31:19
Food sales increase in the last year: 4.5%
Beers: Skinner's and Sharp's. The inn also has Sheppy's draught cider
Wine list: International and extensive. The pub is affiliated to independent wine merchants Wine In Cornwall, which supplies other pubs hotels, restaurants and shops.
The catalogue lists more than 250 wines, many of which can also be bought at the pub at a reduced price to take away. The pub's short "bar" wine list contains six whites, six
reds, two sparkling wines and Champagnes, three sweet white wines and one pink wine.
Owners: Michael Maguire and Nigel Logan
Best business idea in the last year: "Between October and March, we hold a steak and kidney pudding night, which has
proved popular, so I was thinking of another promotion for the spring and summer. Our fish supplier, Chris Bean, started to give us some local spider crabs so we now hold
regular Wednesday Spider Crab Nights. Chris catches them on a Tuesday and they appear in various guises on the Wednesday
evening menu. If we have any left, we crack the shells and make a stock for the spider crab soup. The spider crab is something the British public isn't too familiar with and it's much sweeter than the brown meat."