Self-financing peace of mind

Many people ask me: 'How much does it cost for regular stocktaking, and they are always surprised when I reply that professional stocktaking should...

Many people ask me: 'How much does it cost for regular stocktaking, and they are always surprised when I reply that professional stocktaking should not cost anything.

Many people in the licensed trade take the view that stocktaking is a necessary but expensive operation, so it is not surprising that many carry out this crucial task in-house believing they will save money by doing so. The problem is that the personnel tasked with carrying out the stocktaking function are often those who are most likely to be stealing, so how much will you end up saving?

If you employ a professional and you spend £100 per month on stocktaking, this means that his service and expertise is costing you less than £3.30 per day, which equates more or less to a pint and a half of bitter. Most of you will drink that each day without even batting an eyelid, so why complain about the charges of a professional stocktaker.

We all employ professionals and tradesmen because of their expertise and skill and because we do not have the necessary skills or time to carry out the task ourselves. When you employ an accountant you expect him to save you money and so it should be when you employ a stocktaker. They too should be able to save you money.

If you or your own staff undertake the stocktaking will you get an unbiased opinion? Experience shows that only an objective assessment can really uncover the true levels of stock wastage and pilferage, which is precisely why so many of the managed pub companies employ the services of professional stocktakers.

If you produce a large deficit by doing the stocktake yourself, will you believe it or will you assume you have made an error? A professional stocktaker can prove the result to you by analysing and producing a detailed report, product by product, including such tricky items as post-mix minerals, so you will be able to take steps immediately to deal with any problems that manifest themselves.

The advice that your stocktaker gives will never come from your own staff, as they have an interest theirs to protect.

A professional stocktaker will look at all aspects of the stocktake. They will analyse the sales pattern of your pub and advise you accordingly. It is all the related things that a stocktaker looks at and reports on that adds value and saves you money in reduced wastage and stockholding. If one or two percentage points are added to your gross margins as a result of taking stocktaking seriously then this will justify employing a professional.

If stocktaking is something that you choose to do in-house then take a long hard and honest look at what you are getting out of it and ask yourself the question: 'Is it enough?