Pubcos should use their buying power to tackle tenants' utility bills says licensee of the White Lion, Pailton, nr Rugby
Taking up the point that Morning Advertiser editor Andrew Pring made in the 16 June edition with regards to energy cost, I was staggered and amazed to find yet another legislative charge on my electric bill.
This is for a 'renewable obligation charge or 'green energy.
This extra cost will appear on all bills from April 2005 and is over and above any other charges such as climate change levies and standing charges all subject to VAT.
My electricity costs me £740 plus £340 in charges a whacking 46% in charges and taxes, bringing it to a total of £1,080 per quarter.
So, this is another of the Government's hidden stealth taxes.
But there may be a solution. As we all know, pubcos have great purchasing power. What an ideal time for the pubcos to help their tenants and lessees by using that purchasing power to obtain favourable terms on all utility bills. That is to say electric, gas, water and telephone.
And then why not go one step further and include insurance, beer gas and many others while they are at it? Of course, they may be less than keen if there were to be no financial gain for themselves.
Is thinking that this would be just another way of supporting their tenants or lessees with good faith and helping them towards making some sort of profit too much to ask? We live in hope.