The final licensing fees were announced today and represent a massive increase for a number of publicans. Any licensee with premises in rateable value bands D and E will see an increase in both the application fee and the annual fee.
The estimated maximum fee in the White Paper and the consultation on the fees regulations was £500 for the application and either £150 or £225 for the annual charge. The initial rise is to £635 for the application fee and £350 for the annual charge which is over twice that estimation.
Where the premises are exclusively or primarily in the business of selling alcohol, the application fee is increased three times to £1905 and the annual charge to £1050.
Tony Payne, chief executive of the Federation of Licensed Victuallers' Associations, said: "This is a huge increase, we were not prepared for this. It all seems unreal and will really punish a lot of pubs."
Licensing solicitor Poppleston Allen added: "The White Paper prophesised £1.9billion savings for the industry during the first ten years of operation. Since then the system has become much more complex, applications are being required to be advertised in newspapers and the fees have significantly increased. I think it's doubtful that there will be any savings now, even if you believed the government's original figures in the first place."
Premises fees
A multiplier applied to premises in bands D and E where they are exclusively or primarily in the business of selling alcohol.
Payment to vary conditions (relates to alcohol only) during transition.