Marketing ideas lift Hungry Horse sales

Hungry Horse, Greene King's flagship food brand, has reported an 8% like-for-like sales growth over Christmas after pubs were encouraged to produce...

Hungry Horse, Greene King's flagship food brand, has reported an 8% like-for-like sales growth over Christmas after pubs were encouraged to produce six marketing ideas each. "Once again our Christmas offer proved irresistible to our customers and we are delighted with these strong results," marketing director Adam Collett said. Operations director Matthew Ashmore added: "Last year Hungry Horse boasted a 5.5% increase in sales over the same period, so we are delighted with this year's result. A number of marketing initiatives, coupled with ongoing local management support and an innovative menu, have driven a fantastic Christmas." One particular initiative, the 12 Days of Christmas campaign, was central to this year's success. Ashmore said: "House managers were provided with six promotional ideas and challenged to develop six of their own." The Christmas success follows a particularly strong year for Hungry Horse. The acquisition of Fife-based Dalgety Taverns in April saw the addition of eight pubs to the estate. These, together with six new openings ­ including sites in Wolverhampton, Hereford and Southampton ­represent its next step to becoming a truly national brand. A total of 14 sites opened in 2002, which, including disposals, takes the number of houses in the estate from 119 in 2001 to 131 in 2002. Furthermore, two new sites will open in Cambridge and West Yorkshire in the early part of 2003. "Hungry Horse continues to defy the marketplace with its traditional, uncomplicated approach to pub retailing," Collett said. "This financial year looks set to be the most successful in the brand's seven-year history and we expect 2003 to exceed that, with a forecast turnover of £90m." Cash-boosting staff ideas Ideas produced by staff to boost takings included:

Donated services and holidays auctioned off for charity. Regular customers were offered four hours of housework, free taxi rides and a day's worth of labour as prizes.

Offering holidays as prizes in competitions.

A Christmas Quiz: £2 per person in teams of four.