News that pubs could face capacity restrictions similar to those in nightclubs under new licensing laws, have been welcomed by the nightclub industry.
Such restrictions are needed to ensure safety and cut disorder and disturbance, especially if pubs have a public entertainment licence, the British Entertainment and Discotheque Association (BEDA) said.
Chairman, John Hayes, said: "Our members have made it clear to me that BEDA's support for licensing reform should depend on whether the new system has at least as many safeguards for the public as at present.
"Capacity lies at the heart of members' concerns. It is the bedrock on which successful reform should be founded. Without it we will have instability, a lowering of operational standards and over-reliance on price promotions. It provides the only practical basis to determine risk, and from that, appropriate conditions to protect safety such as fire exit and door supervisers.
"Without the capacity on every licensed premises, the Government's aims for reform will not be met - disorder and disturbance will increase and customers will be exposed to unacceptable risk."
But busy pubs, which currently have no restrictions on capacity could see a huge drop in revenue if new limits are enforced.
Currently late-night bars and nightclubs have to meet certain restrictions with regard to the number of people in their venue, but standard pubs are exempt. But despite this, Mark Hastings of the British Beer and Pub Association said capacity limits had not been a part of the talks on licensing reform so far.