Health & safety

Coronavirus update for pubs 25 March 2020


Daily bulletin – Wednesday 25 March

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser editor Ed Bedington delivers a rundown of the latest news for pubs in regard to coronavirus including the latest update on offering delivery and takeaways.

Support is available: if you are struggling with mental health, there are sector-specific and other charities that can help


Mental health support for pub staff

By Emily Hawkins

There are several charities offering resources to publicans struggling with their mental health, such as helplines and worksheets.

Coronavirus update for pubs 24 March 2020


Daily bulletin – Tuesday 24 March

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser editor Ed Bedington delivers a rundown of the latest news for pubs in regard to coronavirus.

Sector support: the latest news for pubs in the battle against Covid-19


Daily bulletin – Monday 23 March

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser editor Ed Bedington delivers a rundown of the latest news for pubs in regard to coronavirus and what the sector is expecting to hear next in terms of financial support.

Government advice: Boris Johnson has ordered the closure of pubs to the public after tonight (Friday 20 March)


PM tells pubs to close

By Nikkie Thatcher

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told pubs, cafés, bars and restaurants to close tonight (20 March) while the Chancellor announced a new Government grant that will cover 80% of employees’ wages.

Coronavirus update for pubs Friday


Daily bulletin 20 March

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser editor Ed Bedington delivers a run down of the latest news for pubs around coronavirus and what the sector is expecting to hear next in terms of financial support.

Editor’s comment: we must end sniping, peacocking and grandstanding


‘A need to work together’ during coronavirus pandemic

By Ed Bedington

For most of us, this is starting to feel like the end of the world. In such a short space of time, we’ve gone from something that seemed like an abstract problem in a far away part of the world to having the rug completely pulled out from under us.

Announcement soon: Chancellor Rishi Sunak is expected to reveal more about business support on Friday 20 March


No employment support announced for pubs yet

By Nikkie Thatcher

The Government is yet to reveal any employment support (Thursday 19 March), however, the Prime Minister said Chancellor Rishi Sunak will be making an announcement tomorrow (Friday 20 March).

Proactive steps: publicans across the country and taking extra measures to ensure the safety of their staff and customers


Extra measures that can protect your staff and customers

By Alice Leader

Washing your hands, catching sneezes, disinfecting surfaces are all instructions publicans have taken on board to keep their site safe from coronavirus – but many are also going above and beyond these guidelines.

Claiming compensation? ABI has confirmed that there is unlikely to be a new policy cover available for coronavirus currently


Most pubs not covered for coronavirus

By Alice Leader

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has announced that most businesses would not have purchased cover that will protect their loss of trade from coronavirus, even if Boris Johnson forcibly closes doors.

Social distancing: a publican is offering food deliveries for those who are staying at home


Publican delivers meals to elderly amid coronavirus

By Alice Leader

A publican and her daughter are offering a “not-for-profit” delivery service where they will take their popular pub meals on the road to “those in need” during the coronavirus outbreak.

Call to action: operators need clarity from pubcos and Government


Trade demands coronavirus answers from pubcos and Government

By Nicholas Robinson

Operators are crying out for answers from pubcos and Government following Prime Minster Boris Johnson’s advice to the public yesterday telling them to stay clear of pubs, which has left the sector in financial limbo.

Limbo: what does Boris Johnson’s coronavirus advice mean for pubs?


Pubs must be protected now to be there after coronavirus pandemic

By Nicholas Robinson

The Government’s latest advice to the public, advising them to “avoid pubs”, will be “catastrophic” for businesses and jobs, UKHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls has warned as she once again urged the country’s leaders to step in and save the sector.

Pub view: live coverage of the Spring Budget

Budget 2020

Budget 2020 – Duty increase on beer, cider, wine and spirits frozen

By MA Reporters

Freeze on alcohol duties and business rates on pubs with rateable value under £51,000 abolished. Plus, national living wage to rise to £10.50 per hour by 2024. Here is a blow-by-blow account of Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak's first Budget.

Keeping safe: advice on how to keep businesses clean and hygienic has been issued


Hygiene advice for pubs to avoid Covid-19

By Nikkie Thatcher

The Government and hygiene experts have released advice on how operators can stay safe and clean to avoid the spread of coronavirus.

Bless you: Brits still set to support the pub trade despite coronavirus


80% of Brits say coronavirus won’t put them off pub visits

By Nicholas Robinson

More than eight of 10 Britons asked have said coronavirus is unlikely to stop them from visiting the pub, despite some analysts suggesting there is a lack of consumer confidence and a drop in trade.

Cover your back: operators are advised to double check their insurance covers coronavirus


Does your insurance cover you for coronavirus?

By Alice Leader

Operators are being warned to check their insurance policies as, despite the Government making coronavirus a notifiable disease, many insurers may not have Covid-19 on their list as it is a new strain of the virus.

Minimising risk: a national office provider believes pubs delivering takeaways could help reduce the risk of the virus damaging their trade


Pubs ‘should switch to takeaways’ amid coronavirus panic

By Alice Leader

A national provider of office space is asking food outlets – including pubs – to “step up” and switch to delivering meals to staff across its buildings over the next few months during the coronavirus outbreak.

Taking measures: the Government has stated its rules on pay during sickness for Covid-19


Your guide to paying staff with coronavirus

By Alice Leader

The Government has announced today (3 March) that up to one fifth of employees may be absent from work during the peak of the coronavirus outbreak – so what do you need to know about paying these staff members?

Worldwide problem: coronavirus has hit countries across the globe


AB InBev loses £220m in revenue due to coronavirus

By Nikkie Thatcher

Global brewer AB InBev reported its revenue dropped as a result of coronavirus – this particular strain is known as Covid-19 – in the first two months of 2020, in its trading results.

Bold but necessary: Sky vows to reach zero carbon target by 2030 – the legal obligation is to do so by 2050

In association with Sky

How are pub companies focusing on sustainability?

By Nigel Huddleston

Customers want to buy from businesses that demonstrate a good environmental ideology – here are four of the best pubcos that were finalists at the 2019 Publican Awards

Legal Q&A: specialist licensing solicitor Poppleston Allen discusses mice infestations and the next steps for licensees facing a summary review

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Legal Q&A: summary review after fight and dealing with mice

By Poppleston Allen

The latest Legal Q&A from specialist licensing solicitor Poppleston Allen covers visits from the environmental health officer and the next steps for licensees facing a summary review.

Violent storms: pubs suffer floods, roofs collapse, fallen trees and submerged beer gardens as Storm Ciara hits the UK

Storm Ciara

Storm Ciara wreaks havoc on pubs

By Alice Leader

Britain saw quite the blustery weekend as Storm Ciara ripped through the country with up to 80mph winds, inflicting havoc on some of the UK’s beloved pubs.

Danger to all: the inspection found serious deficiencies that put residents, hotel guests and staff members at risk

Publican sentenced over fire safety breaches

By Alice Leader

The owner of the Foresters Arms pub and hotel has been convicted after admitting serious breaches of fire safety law after its standards “fell far short”.

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